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soft4biz e soluția software care îmbunătățește performanța companiilor mici și mijlocii prin digitalizarea afacerii.

Vrei un business mai performant?


Orsolya Vass


Implementing the software was a success for us, the soft4biz staff was with us throughout the entire process, supporting us every step of the way.

I met a small, enthusiastic team that convinced me that they could be a reliable, long-term partner.

Valor Smartwash srl - EHRLE self-service car washes, Târgu Mureș

Erika Lorincz


Each new beginning is difficult. But when you get to the end of the implementation, you realise that you gain a lot by using the software: you can save a lot of time (work) that you can use for other (more creative) purposes.

Termolang srl, Odorheiu Secuiesc, installation and construction projects

Zsolt Nagy

owner, CEO

The soft4biz system allows us to better plan tasks within projects, track the hours allocated to projects and monitor the financial profitability of each project in real time.

This helps us to more accurately determine  working hours for future quotations, thus achieving more efficient management of ongoing projects.

Gordias srl, Cluj Napoca, design of metal structures, design office

Attila Ungureanu

project manager - architect, co-owner

The soft4biz system allows us to collect vital data during the planning and implementation process, tracking the profitability of the project.

Thanks to their proven speed and professionalism, the soft4biz team made the implementation and use of this system extremely easy by helping us integrate our needs into the software quickly and continuously.

Adi Proiect srl, architectural office, Târgu Mureș and Cluj Napoca

6 Reasons to Choose Soft4biz Solution and Team

Folosit la nivel mondial de peste 7 milioane de utilizatori
Ergonomic, validat în practică
Utilizezi 1-2 module la început și te extinzi pe parcurs
Modular și integrat
Software-ul poate fi modificat în funcție de cerințele tale specifice
Software modern și sigur
Soluție durabilă în timp
Fără costuri de achiziție licență și de investiție în server
Rulează din cloud
Costuri mai mici față de alte software dezvoltate local
Origini open source