s4b my biz services - Installation and service

A unique solution to increase the efficiency of installation and service companies

  • Software specifically designed for SMEs, validated by millions of users.
  • Modern, ergonomic, easy to learn and use
  • Includes specific functions for installation and service companies. Work checklists, projects and template tasks.
  • Implementation team with real process management experience
  • No need for unnecessary investments: no server, no IT specialist, no licensing costs.
  • Software runs in the browser, backups are guaranteed, data is handled with maximum responsibility
  • Minimum investment effort through gradual phasing-in (in several parts)
  • - software for construction, installation and service companies
  • - small and medium-sized companies, 10 to 80 employees-collaborators, >3 users
  • - solutions specific to the field of activity

How to implement this software package?

  • Good cost management

    During construction, installation and service works, a series of expenses are incurred for per diem, travel, accommodation, purchase of tools or consumables. All this can be easily managed with minimal administrative work.

  • Clear record of products used

    Stock movements from the central warehouse, purchases of products and consumables "on the road", product returns from the workstation no longer represent a difficult to understand mass of information.

  • Revenue and costs per project in real time

    When the operations team records hours worked on each project and subcontractors' product deliveries and service invoices are entered into the system, we have real-time information on the profitability of each project.

  • Productivity monitoring per employee

    Employee hours are recorded for each project. This will provide clear information on the hours worked on a project, their cost and the revenue generated. You will have a tool to differentiate and reward employees.

  • Issuance of preventive maintenance tasks

    The equipment maintenance module contains a set of information on the preventive maintenance required (deadlines, employee responsible, scheduled time). You will thus be able to optimise your team's activities on site by planning by optimising routes and operations. --- Equipment history and information

We present the company's situation before and after the implementation of the s4b software side by side. We will provide a solution that will bring you great benefits both at company level, as well as personally as manager or owner.

  • Support is subscription-based (a fixed number of hours per month). Additional support (beyond the originally planned hours) is available on request.
  • We know that providing functional support to our customers is an essential factor without which we cannot talk about long-term solutions.
  • Of course, if the problem is due to software deficiencies, intervention and work are free of charge.
  • Our customers can report a functional problem by registering a task (using PrintScreen or an attachment) in our system (directly accessible from any customer's system). In the event of an emergency, we take phone calls or SMS messages, and will do our best to respond quickly and efficiently.
  • We provide remote support via screen sharing where possible, but we will also travel to the customer's premises if necessary (on request, which will incur an additional charge).

  • Logging in to the software (with a complex username and password, directly in the browser) is equipped with a number of security features (password complexity, maximum number of login attempts before blocking, etc.).
  • On customer request (at no extra charge), 2FA (2 factor authentication) authentication can be set up. In this case, in addition to the original password, the user has to enter a second password (generated on their phone) to access the system.
  • We provide daily automatic backups, weekly offline backups (stored in a different location from the servers and daily backups).
  • We have developed and implement a 'disaster recovery plan' to deal with potential emergencies. If necessary, we will make the service available again at short notice from a backup server running the database from that day's backup.

  • The hosting service is provided by a professional service provider, a member of the Deutsche Telekom group, with a server park equipped with multiple internet connections and power generators.
  • The SLA (service level agreement) for service continuity is 99.75% of the total time. The server park is located in Cluj-Napoca, Romania.
  • In the last 4 years of operation (November 2018 to February 2023), there have only been 2 cases where the servers were down for just a few minutes
  • Maintenance work, technical support and reboots after upgrades are carried out outside working hours or, in exceptional cases, during working hours, but with prior notice.

  • We provide storage of software accessible from web browsers, daily backup of databases and technical support.
  • We have a relatively good understanding of the situation of small businesses in terms of IT equipment and software used
  • That's why we have specifically designed the associated IT back-office services to be a real help to small businesses, making your life easier.
  • Our customers won't need to make unnecessary investments: you won't need to buy servers and related software to run the software, hire an IT expert or contract for installations and maintenance.
  • If you have computers and a good Internet connection, you are technically ready to go.

  • Yes, we are ready to adapt the initial solution to meet the specific needs of our customers.
  • During the preliminary discussion and assessment phase, we will jointly identify requirements (so-called GAPs - gaps in processes or optimizations) that the software does not initially address that are important to the customer.
  • These requirements will be addressed partly by configurations and settings and partly by IT improvements (source code modifications).
  • The IT developments will be based on a SRS (development specification) agreed by both parties, which will include a description of the development, testing of the solution and the resources (man-hours and costs) required.

  • We offer our customers 2 types of software implementation services: standard implementation services and optional services.
  • Implementation requirements and objectives may vary from client to client.
  • The standard implementation services are the absolute minimum package required for implementation. These include the following: installation and configuration of the test system; minimum configuration of some basic data (products, partners, users, etc.); configuration of modules (taking into account customer needs, using standard configurations); general and module-by-module training for key users and project manager (from the customer side); installation and configuration of the GoLive! system for actual day-to-day operations; setting up user rights
  • Optional implementation services are offered at the request of the customer and based on individual agreement, and include: importing data from other systems (products, partners, price lists, invoices, opening stocks, etc.); data recording by our staff (on behalf of the customer), secretarial outsourcing; consultancy (configuring price lists, structuring partners, rethinking product structure, ...); process optimisation per workflow; clarification of customisation and development requirements

  • We started as management consultants in 2002.
  • Until 2010, we had the opportunity to learn every detail of the working methods, business processes and best practices of domestic companies. We have seen over 200 companies from the inside and have contributed to process optimisation and organisational development in multinational corporations, SMEs and micro-enterprises.
  • Since 2010, we have been implementing various ERP systems and developing custom software.
  • Since 2015, we have created a structured methodology for software implementation, incorporating best practices for process management and elements to ensure rapid knowledge transfer to our customers' staff.

  • We schedule 1 to 2 Zoom meetings and talk through the customer's needs. We want to understand our customer's needs and goals, and determine how we can contribute to achieving them.
  • We will conduct a survey at the customer's headquarters to further understand the requirements and working methods, activities and data flow, and discuss the needs of prospective key users.
  • We outline an implementation project, define the customisation requirements, and prepare the proposal. After that, we conclude an implementation contract.


Attila Ungureanu

manager proiecte - arhitect, co-owner

Sistemul soft4biz ne permite colectarea unor date vitale în procesul de planificare a activității, urmărirea rentabilității proiectelor.

Datorită promptitudinii și profesionalismului de care a dat dovadă, echipa soft4biz a făcut extrem de ușoară implementarea și utilizarea acestui sistem printr-o adaptare continuă și rapidă la nevoile noastre.

Adi Proiect srl, birou de arhitectură, Târgu Mureș și Cluj

Zsolt Nagy

owner & CEO

Sistemul soft4biz ne ajută să planificăm mai bine taskurile din cadrul proiectelor, să urmărim orele lucrate alocate proiectelor, astfel avem posibilitatea urmăririi rentabilității financiare a fiecărui proiect în timp real.

Toate acestea ne ajută să estimăm mai precis resursele în cadrul ofertării viitoarelor proiecte, realizând un management mai eficient al proiectelor derulate.

Gordias srl, Cluj, proiectare structuri

Erika Lorincz

manager controlling

Fiecare început este greu. Dar când ajungi la finalul implementării realizezi că ai câștigat și vei câștiga mult timp (de lucru) care se poate folosi în alt scop (mai creativ), odată cu utilizarea softwareului.

Termolang srl, Odorheiu Secuiesc, proiecte de instalații și construcții

Orsolya Vass

CEO, owner

Implementarea softwareului per total a fost un succes pentru noi, cei de la soft4biz ne-au fost alături pe parcursul întregii implementări, ne-au sprijinit în toate etapele acesteia.

Am găsit în echipa voastră, o echipă mică, entuziastă care m-a convins că poate fi un partener de încredere pe termen lung.

Valor Smartwash srl - spălătorii auto self-service, Târgu Mureș

Want to improve your company's organisation and efficiency?

Let us show you how companies with this profile have become more efficient using the S4B software.